About Go Samba

Courtney directing Portland Samba in Portland Oregon.
Photo credit Angela Potter.
The samba bug bit you. Yeah, it bit me too.
And it is taking me down a wild ride of Brazilian music culture. I quickly found that one of the biggest needs for samba groups in the U.S. are real Brazilian percussion instruments, especially samba drums, readily available in the U.S.
Through samba i discovered a community, joy, my first caipirinha, emotional release, amazing experiences that can only be created and built with other people. We are our best selves when making this music.
Why Go Samba
I started Go Samba for you. I wanted you and your community group to have access to authentic Brazilian Percussion instruments. These are the same drums you will find in samba schools in Rio de Janeiro, groups in Bahia, and naçoes in Olinda. These instruments and accessories come from the finest quality makers with high standards like IVSOM and Macapart.
The Brazilian Beat
In addition to starting Go Samba, I co-host the podcast "The Brazilian Beat" with Dianna Ramirez. During our long discussions with group leaders in the U.S. and around the world I realized that one thing lacking in our community is access to real samba instruments from Brazil. So I decided to start importing drums and selling them online.
I created my podcast and this store because I want to serve this community I love. I want us to find each other, come together. Share ideas, resources, love and experience.
Portland Samba
I am one of three directors of Portland Samba along with Jason Fritts and Esteban Diaz. A Brazilian Rio style Samba Batucada performance group in Portland Oregon USA.
A tremendous amount of love, talent and work goes into making Portland Samba successful. I am forever thankful for our leadership trio of Esteban Diaz, Jason Fritts and myself. As well as the community of people who choose to lend their skills and talents to the forward momentum. It's a beautiful thing and a huge joy of my life.
Giving back
It is important to give back to the culture that we draw so much from. I also support Trofeu Bateria, a trophy system to award samba school baterias at carnival. Started by Mestre Ailton Nunes and Bruno Moraes.
Another driver of Go Samba is that there are many artisans in Brazil making these instruments with no access to the American market. Many of these small time producers provide instruments to all the major Rio samba schools as well as samba schools and community groups all across the world. As we all know times are tough in Brazil right now. I'm hoping that this store can support these small producers and provide them with an adequate livelihood.
Courtney and Jorginho. Jorginho makes the best tamborim baquetas!
Thank you for shopping at Go Samba and thank you for supporting my store!
Courtney Danley