Samba in School! Instruments for education.

Samba Drums for Schools!

School samba programs from elementary schools through college are popping up all over the country! More and more adults are learning to play in community groups as well. Playing samba can be a lifelong pursuit unlike before.

Want advice about how to get started with your school samba drumming program? Go Samba is here to help.

Things to consider:

  • Younger kids need smaller and lighter samba drums and equipment solutions.
  • If they are uncomfortable they will not have fun and learn. 

  • I can help you find, and special order the instruments and equipment that will work for your group of kids and your classroom.

Why start a program? Connections. Keeps kids physically active. Leads to life long music participation.

 Kids love drumming and the ensemble experience builds connections between kids. Playing samba requires relying on other participants. This builds trust and community among the players. Playing samba is physical. Samba baterias are a parading style of music. You can have kids up and stepping while playing keeping them physically active. A positive experience with music will keep kids playing their entire lives. Now that samba is spreading around the U.S. there are many opportunities to keep playing samba for a lifetime. 

School Discounts

Do not hesitate to contact me about public school packages and discounts. I am happy to discuss your program and find an offer that works for your school. Becoming a vendor at your school district is a straight forward process.

Let's chat

Starting a samba program in your school? I'd love to hear about it. Contact me and let me know what you up to, you successes, your struggles. Also, listen to my podcast The Brazilian Beat with my cohost Dianna Ramirez. We interview samba group leaders and teacher from around the world. Chances are if you have a problem, we have probably heard of a solution. 

Educate yourself

Know the different styles, educate yourself on the different styles of samba and Brazilian percussion. There are a lot of online resources, as well as teachers who tour the country teaching workshops and lessons. Go Samba can connect you to teachers and educational resources.

Contact Courtney

phone: 503-309-0220